Tuesday, November 14, 2023











By mentioning the name of God Almighty and Most Merciful, we do not forget to praise and praise His presence who bestows His grace, His life on us, so that we can complete the paper on "Simple Past Tense". So we thank you Muh. Misbahul Munir AP., M.Pd. As an English lecturer at the Holy Land Islamic Institute, who has given us this task. As for this Simple Past Tense paper, we try our best and of course with the help of various book references and internet references, so that we can improve writing. For that we do not forget to say many thanks to those who have helped us in the preparation of this paper.

We hope that it can be useful in order to increase our insight and knowledge about the Simple Past Tense in understanding both speaking and reading English sentences. We are also fully aware that in this paper there are shortcomings and it is far from perfect. Therefore, we expect constructive criticism, suggestions and suggestions for our paper, because nothing is perfect without constructive suggestions. Hopefully this simple paper can be understood by anyone who reads it.







































TITLE PAGE .......................................................................................           i

PROLOGUE .........................................................................................         ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .....................................................................            iii




A. Background ...............................................................................          1

B. Formulation Of the Problem ....................................................            1

C. Purpose ......................................................................................          1




A.        Definition of a Report Text .................................................            2

B.        Social Function of a Report Text ........................................            2

C.        Structure of a Report Text ..................................................            2

D.                Linguistic Features of a Report Text ................................          2

E.                Difference Between Report Text and Descriptive Text....         3

F.         Example of a Report Text ..................................................          3




A.        Conclusion ...........................................................................         4

B.         Suggestion ...........................................................................         4 LITERATURE




















A.          Background


In the structure of English writing, we recognize the existence of some kind of writing that narrative, descriptive, recount, discussion and more. Then the paper we know the type of report writing, report text term is often also known as informational report. Report is a text the which present information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analyzes. In this occasion our group will explain about how to create or write text report is good and right in making a piece of writing.


B.          Formulation of the problem


1.      What is the meaning of Report Text?

2.      What are the social functions of the Report Text?

3.      What is the structure of the Report Text?

4.      What are the linguistic features of the Report Text?

5.      What is the difference between Report Text and Descriptive Text?

6.      What is an example of a Report Text?


C.          Purpose


·        To be able to know the meaning of the Report Text.

·        To be able to know and understand the social function of the Report Text.

·        To be able to understand the structure of the Report Text.

·        To be able to know and understand the linguistic characteristics of the Report Text.

·        To be able to know the difference between Report Text and Descriptive Text.

·        To be able to know and understand examples of Report Text.






















A.          Definition of a Report Text


Report text is a type of text that describes the details of an object. The explanation in the report text is the result of observations, research, observations and studies on various things.


B.          Social Function of a Report Text


The function of a report text is to present information about something generally. It generally describes the way things are with reference to arrange of natural, manmade and social phenomenon in our environment, such as: mammals, the planets, rocks, plants, countries of region, cultures, transportations, and etc.


C.          Structure of a Report Text



Title of a report text indicates the topic of the text and it is a very general thing.


   General Classification

General classification contains various general information based on observations made by the author, the results of these observations can be in the form of animals, natural phenomena, plants and other topics in detail.



Description consists of a description of the phenomenon/object being discussed from section to section, habits or behavior for living things, or their use for objects in detail.


D.          Linguistic Features of a Report Text


1.      General nouns, use words that refer to things in general. Like 'Reptiles in Comodo Insland', 'Platypus', 'Bees', The northern hemisphere, The beaches.

2.      Using relating verbs and action verbs. Like a is, am, are, look, see, taste, and others. Example relating verb : Reptiles are scalyanimal. Action verbs

: Birds see a river there.










3.      Using the Simple Present Tense timestamp. For example usually, often, always and etc. For example, Komodo dragons usually weigh more than 160 kg.

4.      Technical terms, using technical or scientific terms related to the topic or text of the discussion report. For example, when making a report text about animals, the report text must include technical or scientific terms or mention of animals.


E.          Difference Between Report Text and Descriptive Text


The difference between report text and descriptive text is in the scope of the object or object writing. For example, talking about bicycles, in the report text we will talk about bicycles in general, their parts, strength, and functions of bicycles in general. While in descriptive texts, bicycles refer to certain types such as mountain bikes, racing bicycles, etc. of course with specific characteristics; color, wheel type, bicycle length. etc. In short, Report Text is something that usually refers to natural phenomena, animals, and scientific objects. Report Text is written after getting careful observation.


F.           Example of a Report Text



The Pelican Report


   General Classification

The white pelican is one of the most successful fish-eating birds.



The success is largely due to its command hunting behaviour. A group, perhaps two dozen birds, will gather in a curved arc some distance offshore. The birds then begin to move forward towards the shore, beating the water furiously with their wings, driving the fish before them.


When the water is shallow enough for the birds to reach the fish, the formation breaks up as each bird dips its bill into the water to scoop up its meal. As the bird lifts its head, the water drains from its bill leaving the fish which are then swallowed. Pelicans are among the oldest group of birds, Fossils of this genus have been found dating back 40 million years.


















A.          Conclusion


Report Text is a text in English grammar that describes an investigation or announces general information. The function of the report text is to provide various kinds of information to the reader about an object from the text. There are 3 structure of report text, namely title, general classification, and description.

The linguistic features of the report text use nouns, related verbs and action verbs, use Simple Present Tense time markers, use technical or scientific terms. The difference between report text and descriptive text is the scope of the object.


B.          Suggestion


From the studies that have been carried out, it is hoped that we can understand more about the Report Text. Realizing that the author is still far from perfect, therefore, if there are suggestions or criticisms of our paper, hopefully they are constructive and serve as guidelines for us to be even better so that in the future the authors will be more focused and detailed in explaining the paper above, with more and more reliable sources.






































https://www.gramedia.com/literasi/report-text/ https://www.studocu.com/id/document/universitas-brawijaya/english/report-text-teks- repot/18025271

http://iskandar-al-jaya.blogspot.com/2014/12/makalah-bahasa-inggris-report-text- dan.html


















































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